Buy with Confidence

How best to ensure that the plans you buy will work in your area.

You’ve found the perfect house. You’ve found a great site. You’ve even picked out the colors. But the question comes to mind:

How do you know the house you’ve picked can be built from these plans?

Chances are, if you live in the United States, the local codes and laws are part of a uniform set that has been adopted nationwide. Aside from small local variations to the code, the guidelines governing Residential construction are consistent and broadly adopted.

To be sure, there are a few items to check and a few steps to take - all of which should only take a few minutes.

Step 1 - Check the adopted code in your area using this map

All areas which are marked ‘green’ are areas which fall under the general International Residential Code (IRC)

Step 2 - Check for local additional code requirements

Step 3 - Check on local ‘Design Authority’ laws

Most locations allow OVC plans with no modification or local engineering required - however, some areas require review and verification by a local engineer. Typically this is determined at the state level

If these are both met, there’s a 99% chance you’re in the clear.

Still unsure? Have us double check.